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To increase our institutional capacity for diversity, equity and inclusion, training and educational programmes are provided to staff, faculty, and students for enhancing knowledge, skills and capacity on topics related to advancing our goals for inclusive excellence.

The training and education effort offered highlight the following areas:

  • Understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion;
  • Mitigating unconscious bias; and
  • Reducing discrimination and harassment of any form.
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Staff Training
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DEO related training sessions/workshops offered to staff:

Diversity and Equal Opportunities session at Staff Orientation

DEO Resource Persons Training

Anti-Discrimination Laws of Hong Kong Talk

Sexual Harassment Prevention Talk (By invitation)

Avoid Gender-related, Disability and Racial Bias in Recruitment and Selection Workshop (By invitation)

Intercultural Awareness Training (By invitation)

Understanding of DEI through Beverage and Chocolate

Dark and Silence Experience

Sign Language: Understanding Diverse Needs in Workplace and Classroom

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Education and Training for Students
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DEO related training sessions/workshops offered to students:

Diversity and Equal Opportunities at HKUST

Talk on Anti-Discrimination Laws of Hong Kong

Breaking Down Barriers: How does Unconscious Bias Affect You?

Thinking Beyond the Gender Box

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Schools/department/offices are welcomed to approach the DEO team of VPABO for developing training related to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Other training and education materials are available at the “Training and Educational Materials” page.